Files and folders
The root PsychBench folder contains the main functions for the visual method of making and running experiments as well as managing PsychBench itself. You can type help PsychBench at the MATLAB command line for an overview.
Additionally it has subfolders:
- docs contains some local documentation and coding method demos. The main documentation is online. All documentation is accessible from the MATLAB command line using the pb command.
- tools contains little helper tools for making experiments. Most commonly used are tools for randomization and replication like randomNum, randomOrder, rep, etc.
- coding contains functions for if you want to use the coding method of making experiments.
- element types contains the open source code for all element types that come with PsychBench.
- element type programming contains tools for if you want to make custom element types.
- core: No touch.
- <><local element types folder><> is a location for any custom element types you make or receive. It can be anywhere outside PsychBench and you choose it when you install PsychBench. You can move it anytime later—if PsychBench can’t find it, it will just ask for a new location.