

Plays a movie file (avi, mov, etc.).

▸ Object ends on its own?

By default yes, when the movie file ends. Or you can set repeat = <cd>true<cd> if you want to repeat the movie until a condition you set in property end.

"Ends on its own" means ends automatically at that point. If an element can end on its own, you don't need to set end conditions for it in property end (unless you want it to maybe end earlier).

No—runs until any condition you set in property end.

Input properties

Adjustable properties

You can vary or allow the subject to adjust the following properties of an object of this type when it's running. If you need to make other properties adjustable, you can edit the element type code—see Element Type Programming Manual.

Adjustable properties

Adjustable properties





No default

A string that is name of movie file to show. Include path if the file is not in the MATLAB current folder or search path (or not the first file with that name on the search path). File can be any format and codec GStreamer accepts, which should include all the major ones.


Default: show whole movie image

A 1×4 vector [x_tl y_tl x_br y_br] setting part of the movie image to show. +x = right, +y = down, <cd>[0 0]<cd> = top left of image. Units are px in the movie file (independent of your screen or the size you show the movie at). For right and bottom you can use <cd>inf<cd> to mean that edge of the image, e.g. <cd>[0 0 inf inf]<cd> = show whole image. Other properties like height below are applied after crop.


Default: 1 px in movie file = 1 px on screen

A number that is height on screen to show at (deg).

OR a string setting overall size of the movie on screen:

<cds>"fit"  <cds> – fit to window
<cds>"fitw" <cds> – fit width to window
<cds>"fith" <cds> – fit height to window
<cds>"fill" <cds> – fill window
<cds>"px"   <cds> – native resolution: 1 pixel in movie file = 1 pixel on screen (scaled down if you use a partial screen window)

All the fit and fill options assume the movie is centered in the window.


Default: play whole movie

You can set this to a vector [t1 t2] (sec) to play only a specific time range in the movie file. t1 = <cd>0<cd> = start of file, t2 = <cd>inf<cd> = end of file.

Note: Currently this property only works if the movie is not set to repeat, i.e. if you leave repeat below = default <cd>false<cd>.


Default: normal

Play speed: +1 = normal, −1 = backward, etc. Not all play speeds are possible for all movie formats—see Psychtoolbox Screen('PlayMovie') for more information.


Default: repeat = ends on its own when movie file ends
Default: phase = start at start

repeat = <cd>true<cd>/<cd>false<cd>: play indefinitely by repeating until a condition you set in property end. If <cd>false<cd>, the element ends on its own at the end of the movie file. Or you can set to a number for more options—see Psychtoolbox Screen('PlayMovie') input loop.

If repeat = <cd>true<cd>, you can set phase to specify a start time in the movie file (sec). 0 = start.


Default: show a color movie in color

<cd>true<cd>/<cd>false<cd>: show a color movie in grayscale.


Default: current system volume

A number between 0–1: 0 = no sound, 1 = current system volume. This scales the volume in your system sound settings. Mainly useful if you want different movie elements to play at different volumes.

Input properties all visual elements have


Input properties all adjuster elements have


Input properties all objects have


Record properties

PsychBench uses record properties to record information during experiments. You can't set record properties but you can see them in experiment results using input property report.